
All tattoos are handpoked, this means they are done by hand. Without the supply of an electric machine. The time it takes to complete a tattoo varies, depending on: style, size, placement and complexity.
Take into consideration that larger projects** may take more than one session to complete.

In my studio in Porto pricing is by the piece.
Starting at 60€ |
I offer a sliding scale* 

I offer 3 different type of sessions.

Short | Ussually under two hours, varies depending if it's flash or custom, the size, placement and level of complexicity | 60-160€

Medium | Varies depending if it's flash or custom, the size, placement and level of complexicity | 120-250€

Long | Ussually day long session,  varies depending if it's flash or custom, the size, placement and level of complexicity | 350€ + 

(Examples of each kind of session below)
Prices for guest spots (when i go work to other cities/countries) will differ, for more information contact me by email at When doing a guest spot i not only need to cover travel cost + accomodation, i also need to leave a percentage to the studio, which varies between 25 to 50%

sliding scale policy*

Please take into consideration that i also offer a sliding scale. This means, that if you would like to get tattooed with me and appreciate my work, i am excited to work with you already!!
If this pricing does not fit your budget, let me know and we can make it work. I am flexible :)

Se és do Porto, ou moras cá, e tiveres interesse em fazer um projeto grande e um orçamento especifico, diz coisas. Podemos avaliar cada caso e trabalhar com o teu orçamento. Não hesites em contactar. Fico muito grata pelo teu interesse!

larger projects (+3 sessions)**

how to get the most affordable version of a multiple session tattoo (only for backpiece / full front / sleeves)

For multiple session tattoos (+ 3 sessions) the less time you book in between sessions, the best rate you'll get. For example, if you would like to get a backpiece/full front/sleeve and you book 1 or 2 sessions per month (meaning within 6-12 months we will complete the project) you can get from a 20% up to 40% discount on a day rate.


example of short session

example of medium session

example of long session

example of multiple session 

 Booking a tattoo

You can fill the form below to make an appointment.

Using Format